Friday, February 27, 2015

Why I Began Using Essential Oils

So, this is a different kind of post for me. I have been meaning to post about this for a long time since it is something that has recently changed my daily routine dramatically. 
To begin with, you should know that I am not an expert by any means, I am still learning and finding out new things. I started using essential oils about a year ago when I picked up a bottle of tea tree oil from the body shop. To this day, I still use tea tree oil on a daily basis. I now have developed a collection. I began using tea tree oil and grape seed oil (as a carrier oil) in my skincare routine. Let me tell you, that has made a HUGE difference in my complexion. Though not perfect, I have definitely noticed a difference. I started reading up about natural beauty and essential oils just out of curiosity and decided that I needed a diffuser (shown in the picture below, yay for long awaited birthday presents).  I also got an essential oils book that has taught me a lot of what I know. You can find that here ( )There are so many health benefits from essential oils. A few of my favorites are tea tree, sweet orange, lavender, and rosemary. Not only are they useful in skincare, but they have healing properties just from breathing them in. If you are unfamiliar with what a diffuser is, it basically uses water and a few drops of essential oil to make a mist that keeps moisture in the air and also cleans the air. 
I am a major candle person and love burning candles in my room, but recently learned about the toxins that are in many candles that contribute to indoor air pollution. (Still not giving up my candles, okay). Using a diffuser cleans the air and also has healing properties for skin and health. Okay, I know you're probably thinking I'm a little crazy, but that's fine. 
A few more things: It is important to buy the right kind of essential oils. There's a big difference between fragrance oils and essential oils. Fragrance oils most likely won't clean the air or be safe to use on skin. Make sure to buy 100% therapeutic grade essential oils, as those are pure and safe for medicinal reasons. Also, you should keep your essential oils in a dark, room temperature place in dark colored bottles. This is because, if they are heated it breaks down the healing properties and makes them basically useless. Lastly, find a carrier oil such as grape seed oil, sweet almond oil or coconut oil to dilute your essential oils with. (I use grape seed oil, which you can find here

Thanks for reading! 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

New beginnings call for a new blog

So... I decided to ditch the silly blog I made a couple years ago and start fresh. I will see how much I can actually keep up with blogging because I happen to be a very busy person lately. I've always been a writer and a note taker so my blog is just sort of a way for me to journal about my life. So, here's to new beginnings.

On a side note, life has been pretty crazy lately and is about to get crazier with finals coming up. But here's a few happy things:

Right now it is raining, which you probably don't know that I love rain, it forces me to relax a little. 

I drink a ton of iced green tea... I probably make a pitcher every few days. 

I finished my last english paper for the semester tonight... What a relief.

Sundays are my favorite. They entail Jesus, going out for lunch, and taking naps. (3 of my favorite things). 

Christmas season is officially here and we put our tree up yesterday. *Cue Michael Buble its beginning to look a lot like Christmas*


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